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- Ames, A. & Francou, B. 1995. Cordillera Blanca, Perú. Glaciares en la Historia. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andine, 24 (1) : 37-64
- Arnaud, Y., Muller, F., Vuille, M. & Ribstein, P., 2001. El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influence on a Sajama volcano glacier (Bolivia) from 1963 to 1998 as seen from Landsat data and aerial photographs. Journal of Geophysical Research., 106, D16, 17773-17784.
- Baraer, M., Mark, BG., McKenzie, J., Condom, T., Huh, KI., Gomez, J., Rathay, S., 2012. Glacier recession and water resources in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 58, No. 207, 2012 doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11J186
- Bertran, P., Coutard, J.P., Francou, B., Ozouf, J.C. & Texier, J.P. 1992: Données nouvelles sur l'origine du litage des grèzes. Implications paléoclimatiques. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 46, 1 : 97-112
- Blard, P.H., Lavé, J., Sylvestre, F., Placzek, C., Claude, C., Galy, V., Condom,T., Tibari, B. : Cosmogenic 3He production rate in the high tropicla Andes (3800 m, 20°S): implications for the local last glacial maximum Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol. 377-378 September, 2013. p. 260-275.
- Blard, P.H., Sylvestre, F., Tripati, A.K., Claude, C., Causse, C., Coudrain, A., Condom, T., Seidel, J.L., Vimeux, F., Moreau, C., Dumoulin, J.P, Lavé, J, , 2011. Lake highstands on the Altiplano (Tropical Andes) contemporaneous with Heinrich 1 and the Younger Dryas: new insights from 14C, U–Th dating and δ18O of carbonates. Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 30, Issues 27–28, Pages 3973-3989.
- Blard, P.H., Wagnon, P., Lavé, J., Soruco, A., Sicart, J-E, & Francou, B., 2011. Degree-day melt models for paleoclimate reconstruction from tropical glaciers: calibration from mass balance and meteorological data of the Zongo glacier (Bolivia, 16°S). Climate of the Past Discussions, Vol. 7, Issue 3:2119-2158.
- Blard, P.H., J. Lavé, R. Pik, P. Wagnon & D. Bourlès, 2007. Persistence of full glacial conditions in the central Pacific until 15,000 years ago, Nature, 449, doi: 10.1038/nature06142.
- Basantes, R., Rabatel, A., Cáceres, B., Alvarez, D., Francou, B., Maisincho, L. & Galarraga, R., 2014. Mass balance estimation on the Glaciar Antisana 15ɑ (0°28’ S, Ecuador) using geodetic and glaciological methods, 1956-2009. Journal of Glaciology. En cours de révision.
- Caballero, Y., Chevallier, P., Boone, A., Noilhan, J. and Habets, F. 2007. Calibration of the Interaction Soil Biosphere Atmosphere land-surface scheme on a small tropical high-mountain basin (Cordillera Real, Bolivia). Water Resources Research 43.
- Caballero, Y., Chevallier, P., Gallaire, R. and Pillco, R. 2004. Flow modelling in a high mountain valley equipped with hydropower plants: Rio Zongo Valley - Cordillera Real - Bolivia. Hydrological Processes 18, 939-957.
- Caballero, Y., Jomelli, V., Chevallier, P. and Ribstein, P. 2002. Hydrological characteristics of slope deposits in high tropical mountains (Cordillera Real, Bolivia). Catena 47, 101-116.
- Caballero, Y. and Chevallier, P. 2002. Water transfer modelling in a high valley equipped with hydropower plants: Rio Zongo Valley (Bolivia). Ovidius University Annals of Constructions 1, 663-668.
- Cadier, E., Villacis, M., Garcés, A., Lhuissier, Maisincho, Laval, R., Parédes, D., Cáceres, B., & Francou, B., 2007. Variations of a low latitude Andean glacier according to global and local climate variations: first results. Glacier Mass Balance Changes and Meltwater Discharge (selected papers from sessions at the IAHS Assembly in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2005). IAHS Publ. 318: 66-74.
- Cadier E. et Pouyaud B., 1998. Variations climatiques et ressources en eau en Amérique du sud : Importance et conséquences des événements El Niño. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines (IFEA), n° spécial 27, 3, 341-896. Lima, Pérou.
- Chevallier, P., Pouyaud, B., Suarez, W. and Condom, T. 2011 – Climate change threats to environment in the tropical Andes: glaciers and water resources. Regional Environmental Change Volume 11, Supplement 1, 179-187, DOI: 10.1007/s10113-010-0177-6
- Condom, T., M. Escobar, D. Purkey, J.C. Pouget, W. Suarez, C. Ramos, J. Apaestegui, A. Tacsi, J. Gomez, 2012. Simulating the implications of glaciers’ retreat for water management: a case study in the Rio Santa basin, Peru, Water International – Water International. vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 442-459, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2012.706773.
- Condom, T., Rau, P., 2011. Validation of TRMM precipitation radar monthly rainfall estimates over the mountainous areas of Peru during the period 1998–2007. Hydrol. Process. 25, 1924–1933, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7949.
- Condom, T., A. Coudrain, J. E. Sicart and S. Théry, 2007. Computation of the space and time evolution of equilibrium-line altitudes on Andean glaciers (10°N-55°S), Global and Planetary Change, 59 (1), 189-202.
- Condom, T., A. Coudrain, A. Dezetter, D. Brunstein, F. Delclaux and J. E. Sicart, 2004. Transient modelling of lacustrine regressions . Two case studies from the Andean Altiplano., Hydrological Processes, 18 2395-2408.
- Cooley, D., Naveau, P., Jomelli, V., Rabatel, A., Grancher, D., 2006. A Bayesian Hierarchical Extreme Value Model for Lichenometry. Environmetrics, 17 (6), 555-574. doi: 10.1002/env.764
- Correia, A., Freydier, R., Delmas, R.J., Simoes, J.C., Taupin, J.-D., Dupre, B., Artaxo, P., 2003. Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350 m asl). Atmos. Chem. and Phys., .3, p.1337-1352.
- Correia, A., R. J. Delmas, R. Freydier, J. Simões, J.-D. Taupin, B. Dupré, P. Artaxo, 2003. Heavy metals in South America aerosol during 20th century from Illimani ice-core, Eastern Bolivian Andes. Journal de Physique IV, vol. 107, 333-336.
- Coudrain, A., Francou, B., & Kundzewicz, W., 2005. Glacier shrinkage in the Andes and consequences for water resources. Editorial. Hydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 50, 6: 925-932.
- Coudrain A., Loubet M., Ribstein P., Condom T., Talbi A., Pouyaud B., Quintanilla J., Dieulin C., Dupré B. 2002. Données isotopiques sur l’Altiplano andin (87Sr/86Sr), application aux changements hydrologiques depuis 15 000 ans. 47(2) Hydrol. Sc. J, 293-306
- De Angelis, M., Simoes, J., Bonnaveira, H., Taupin, J.-D., and Delmas, R. J., 2003. Volcanic eruptions recorded in the illimani ice core (Bolivia) : 1918-98 and Tambora periods. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, p. 1725-1741.
- Delclaux F., Coudrain A., Condom T. (2007), Evaporation estimation on the Lake Titicaca. A synthesis review and modelling 21, 1664-1677, Hydrological Processes.
- Dumont, M., J. Gardelle, P. Sirguey, A. Guillot, D. Six, A. Rabatel, Y. Arnaud. 2012. Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo retrieved from MODIS data. The Cryosphere, 6, 1527-1539. doi: 10.5194/tc-6-1527-2012.
- Favier, V., Falvey, M., Rabatel, A., Praderio, E. & Lopez, D. 2009. Interpreting discrepancies between discharge and precipitation in high altitude area of Chile's Norte Chico region (26°S-32°S). Water Resources Research, 45, W02424, doi: 10.1029/2008WR006802.
- Favier, V., Coudrain A., Cadier, E., Francou B., Ayabaca, E., Maisincho, L., Praderio, E., Villacis M., & Wagnon, P., 2008. Evidences of underground flow on Antizana ice covered volcano, Ecuador. Hydrological Sciences-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 53(1), 278-294.
- Favier, V., Wagnon, P. & Ribstein, P., 2004. Glaciers of the outer and inner tropics: a different behavior but a common response to climatic forcing. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L16403, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020654.
- Favier, V., Wagnon, P., Chazarin, J.-P., Maisincho, L. and Coudrain, A., 2004. One-year measurements of surface heat budget on the ablation zone of Antizana glacier 15, Ecuadorian Andes. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D18105, doi: 10.1029/2003JD004359.
- Ferrari, C., Clotteau, T., Thompson, L.G., Barbante, C., Cozzi, G., Cescon, P., Hong, S., Maurice-Bourgoin, L., Francou, B. & Boutron. C., 2001. Heavy metals in ancient tropical ice: initial results. Atmospheric Environment, 35: 5809-5815.
- Francou, B., A. Rabatel, A. Soruco, J. E. Sicart, E. E. Silvestre, P. Ginot, B. Caceres, T. Condom, M. Villacis, J. L. Ceballos, B. Lehman, F. Anthelme, O. Dangles, J. Gomez, V. Favier, L. Maisincho, V. Jomelli, M. Vuille, P. Wagnon, Y. Lejeune, C. Ramallo and J. Mendoza (2013), Glaciares de los Andes Tropicales víctimas del Cambio Climático, CAN - PRAA - IRD ed., 87 pp.,
- Francou, B., 2013. El rápido retroceso de los glaciares en Andes tropicales y desafíos para estudios sobre dinámica de los ecosistemas de alta montaña.Editorial, Ecología en Bolivia 48(2): 69-71. Septiembre 2013. ISSN 1605-2528.
- Francou, B., & Vincent, C., 2009. Le retrait des glaciers de montagnes dans le monde au cours des dernières décennies. La Météorologie, 66, août 2009.
- Francou, B., & Coudrain, A. 2005. Glacier shrinkage and water resources in the Andes. Meeting report of Huaraz (2004). EOS, 86, 43, Octobre 2005: 414.
- Francou, B., Vuille, M., Favier, V. & Cáceres, B., 2004. New evidences of ENSO impacts on glaciers at low latitude: Antizana 15, Andes of Ecuador, 0°28’. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, doi: 10.1029/2003JD004484.
- Francou, B., Vuille, M., Wagnon, P., Mendoza, J. & Sicart, J.E., 2003. Tropical climate change recorded by a glacier of the central Andes during the last decades of the 20th century: Chacaltaya, Bolivia, 16°S. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D5, 4154, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002959.
- Francou, B., Ramirez, E., Cáceres, B. & Mendoza, J., 2000. Glacier evolution in the tropical Andes during the last decades of the 20th century. Chacaltaya, Bolivia, and Antizana, Ecuador. Ambio, 29, 7: 416-422.
- Francou, B., Le Méhauté, N. & Jomelli, V., 2001. Factors controlling spacing distances of sorted stripes in a low-latitude alpine environment (Cordillera Real, 16S, Bolivia). Permafrost and Periglacial Processus, 12: 367-377.
- Francou, B., Fabre, D., Pouyaud, B., Jomelli, V. & Arnaud Y., 1998. Symptoms of degradation in a tropical rock glacier, Bolivian Andes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 10 : 91-100.
- Francou, B. & Bertran, P. 1997. A multivariate analysis of clast displacement rate in stone-banked sheets, Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 8: 371-382.
- Francou, B. & Ribstein, P., 1995. Glaciers et évolution climatique dans les Andes boliviennes. Glacier de Zongo et Glacier de Chacaltaya, Cordillère Royale, 16°Sud. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines, 24 (1) : 23-36.
- Francou, B., Ribstein, P., Sémiond, H., Portocarrero C. & Rodriguez, A. 1995. Balances glaciares y clima en Bolivia y Perù. Impactos de los eventos ENSO. In: Eaux, Glaciers & Changements Climatiques dans les Andes Tropicales, P. Ribstein & al. (ed), Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines, 24, 3 : 639-649.
- Francou, B., Ribstein, P., Tiriau, E. & Saravia, R. 1995. Monthly balance and water discharge on an intertropical glacier. The Zongo Glacier, Cordillera Real, Bolivia, 16°S. Journal of Glaciology, vol. 42, N°137: 61-67.
- Francou, B., Mourguiard, P. & Fournier, M. 1995. Phase d'avancée des glaciers au Dryas récent dans les Andes du Pérou. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 320, série IIa : 593-599.
- Francou, B. 1990. Stratification mechanisms in slope deposits in high subequatorial mountains. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 1: 249-263.
- Francou, B. 1989. Régime thermique de sols et rôle du gel dans la dynamique des versants d'un milieu subéquatorial d'altitude. Géographie Physique & Quaternaire, 43, 1 : 97-112.
- Francou, B. 1988. Eboulis stratifiés dans les Hautes Andes Centrales du Pérou. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, N.F. 32,1 : 47-76.
- Francou, B. & Pizarro, F. 1985. El Niño y la Sequía en los Altos Andes Centrales (Perú y Bolivia). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines, XIV, 1-2: 1-18.
- Francou, B. 1984. Données préliminaires pour l'étude des processus périglaciaires dans les Hautes Andes du Pérou. Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique, XXXIII, 4: 113-126.
- Francou, B. 1983. Les régimes thermiques et pluviométriques de Pachachaca (Andes Centrales du Pérou). Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines, XII ,1-2:17-53
- Gascoin, S., Kinnard, C., Ponce, R., Lhermitte, S., MacDonell, S. & Rabatel, A., 2011. Glacier contribution to streamflow in two headwaters of the Huasco River, Dry Andes of Chile. The Cryosphere, 5, 1099–1113, doi: 10.5194/tc-5-1099-2011.
- Gascoin, S. A. Ducharne, P. Ribstein, E. Perroy & P. Wagnon, 2009. Sensitivity of bare soil albedo to surface soil moisture on the moraine of the Zongo glacier (Bolivia), Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L02405, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036377.
- Gascoin, S. A. Ducharne, P. Ribstein, Y. Lejeune & P. Wagnon, 2009. Dependence of bare soil albedo on soil moisture on the moraine of the Zongo glacier (Bolivia): implications for land surface modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D19102, doi: 10.1029/2009JD011709.
- Gilbert, A., C. Vincent, P. Wagnon, E. Thibert, A. Rabatel. 2012. The influence of snow cover thickness on the thermal regime of Tête Rousse Glacier (Mont Blanc range, 3200 m a.s.l.): consequences for outburst flood hazards ang glacier response to climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, F04018. doi: 10.1029/2011JF002258.
- Gilbert, A., Wagnon, P., Vincent, C., Ginot, P. and Funk, M., 2010. Atmospheric warming at a high elevation tropical site revealed by englacial temperatures at Illimani, Bolivia (6340 m above sea level, 16°S, 67°W). Journal of Geophysical Research, 115.
- Ginot, P., C. Kull, U. Schotterer, M. Schwikowski, & H.W. Gäggeler, 2006. Masse balance reconstruction by sublimation induced enrichment of chemical species on Cerro Tapado (Chilean Andes), Climate of the Past, 2, 21-30.
- Ginot, P., Kull, C., Schwikowski, M., Schotterer, U., Gäggeler, H.W., Francou, B., Gallaire, R., & Pouyaud, B., 2002. Potential for climate variability reconstruction from Andean glaciochemical records. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 443-450.
- Ginot, P., Kull, C., Schwikowski, M., Schotterer, U. & Gäggeler, H.W., 2001. Effects of post-depositional processes on snow composition of a subtropical glacier (Cerro Tapado, Chilean Andes), Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (D23), 32375-32386.
- Hastenrath, S, Pollzin, D. & Francou B. 2004. Circulation variability reflected in ice core and lake records of the southern tropical Andes. Climatic Change, 64, 3: 361-375.
- Herreros, J., Moreno, I., Taupin, J.-D., Ginot, P., Patris, N., De Angelis, M., Ledru, M.-P., Delachaux, F., & Schotterer, U., 2009. Enviromental records from temperate glacier ice on Nevado Coropuna saddle, Southern Peru, Advances of Geosciences, 22, 27-34.
- Hingray, B., J. P. Dedieu, T. Lebel, C. Obled, J. E. Sicart, D. Six, C. Vincent, P. Wagnon and I. Zin (2012), Glaciological and hydrometeorological observations in mountainous areas: Some current issues and perspectives, Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale De L Eau, (2), 5-11.
- Hoffmann, G., Ramirez, E., Taupin, J.D., Francou, B., Ribstein, P., Delmas, R., Dürr, H., Gallaire, R., Simões, J., Schotterer, U., Stievenard, M. & Werner, M., 2003. Coherent isotope history of Andean ice cores over the last century, Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (4): 1179-1182.
- Hong, S., Barbante, C., Boutron, C., Gabrielli, P., Gaspari, V., Cesson, P., Thompson, L., Ferrari, C., Francou, B. & Maurice-Bourgoin, L. 2004. Atmospheric heavy metals in tropical South America during the past 22 000 years recorded in a high altitude ice core from Sajama, Bolivia. J. Environ. Monit., 6 : 322-336.
- Jomelli, V., Favier, V., Braucher, R., Martin, L., Blard, P.H., Colose, C., Brunstein, D., He, F., Khodri, M., Bourlès D.L., Leanni, L., Rinterknecht, R., Grancher, D., Francou, B., Ceballos, J.L., Francesca, H., Liu, Z., & Otto-Bliesner, B., 2014. A major advance of tropical Andean glaciers during the Antarctic cold reversal. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature13546.
Coup de froid sur les Tropiques
- Jomelli, V., Toivonnen, J., Pavlova, I., Contreras, A., Guin, O., Zetterberg, P. (2012). Dendroclimatic potential of Polylepis Pepei in the tropical Andes (Peru, Bolivia). Tree Ring Research, 68, 91-103.
- Jomelli, V., M. Khodri, V. Favier, D. Brunstein, M. P. Ledru, P. Wagnon, P. H. Blard, J. E. Sicart, R. Braucher, D. Grancher, D. L. Bourles, P. Braconnot and M. Vuille (2011), Irregular tropical glacier retreat over the Holocene epoch driven by progressive warming, Nature, 474 (7350), 196-199.
- Jomelli, V., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., Grancher, D., Brunstein, D. & Rabatel, A., 2010. A response to Bradwell's commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry. Geografiska Annaler, 92A(4), 487-489.
- Jomelli, V., Favier, V., Rabatel, A., Brunstein, D., Hoffmann, G., & Francou, B., 2009. Fluctuations of glaciers in the tropical Andes over the last millennium and palaeoclimatic implications: A review. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 281, Issues 3-4, Long-term multi-proxy climate reconstructions and dynamics in South America (LOTRED-SA): State of the art and perspectives: 269-282.
- Jomelli, V., Argollo, J., Brunstein, D., Favier, V., G. Hoffmann, G., M.P. Ledru, M.P., Sicart J.E. (2009). Multiproxy analysis of climate variability for the last millennium in the tropical Andes. In : Climate Change Research Progress, Peretz (ed), Nova Science Publisher, 127-159
- Jomelli, V., Grancher, D., Brunstein, D. Solomina, O., (2008). Recalibration of the Rhizocarpon growth curve in Cordillera Blanca (Peru) and LIA chronology implication. Geomorphology, 93, 201-212.
- Jordan, E., Ungerechts, L., Cáceres, B., Peñafiel, A. & Francou, B., 2005. Estimation by photogrammetry of the glacier recession on the Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador) between 1956 and 1997. Hydrological Sciences/Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, IAHS, 50, n°6: 949-961.
- Kuentz A., Ledru M.-P., Thouret J.C. (2011) Environmental changes in the highland of the western Andean Cordillera (south Peru) during the Holocene. The Holocene.
- Kuentz A., Galan de Mera, A., Ledru M.-P. Thouret J.C. (2007). Phytogeographical data and modern pollen rain of the puna belt in southern Peru (Nevado Coropuna, western Cordillera). Journal of Biogeography 34, 1762-1776.
- Knüsel S., Ginot P., Schotterer U., Schwikowski M., Gäggeler H.W., Francou B., Petit J.R., Simoes J.C., & Taupin J.D., 2003. Dating of two nearby cores from the Illimani, Bolivie. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108(D6): 3.1-3.10.
- L'Hôte, Y., Chevallier, P., Coudrain, A., Lejeune, Y. and Etchevers, P. 2005. Relationship between precipitation phase and air temperature: comparison between the Bolivian Andes and the Swiss Alps. Hydrological Sciences Journal 50, 989-997.
- L'Hôte, Y., Chevallier, P., Etchevers, P., Lejeune, Y. and Wagnon, P. 2004. Pluie ou neige? Dispositif de mesures pluviographiques dans les Andes de Bolivie et interprétation des enregistrements. Hydrological Sciences Journal 49, 273-281.
- Ledru, M.-P., V. Jomelli, V. P. Bremond, L., Ortuno, T., Cruz, P., Bentaleb, I., Sylvestre, F., Kuentz A., Beck, S., Martin, C., Pailliès, C., Subitani, S., (2013). Evidence of moist niches in the Bolivian Andes during the mid-holocene arid period. The Holocene 23, 1547-1559.
- Ledru, M.-P., Jomelli, V, Samaniego, P., Vuille, M., Hidalgo, S., Herrera, M., and Ceron, C. (2013). The Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age in the Eastern Ecuadorian Andes. Clim Past 9, 307-321.
- Lejeune, Y., Y. L’Hôte., P. Etchevers, P. Wagnon, J.P. Chazarin, P. Chevallier, 2007. Constitution d’une base de données météorologiques sur un site andin de haute altitude: le site du Charquini, 4795 m, Bolivie, IAHS Red Book, 318, 173-185.
- Lejeune, Y., P. Wagnon, L. Bouilloud, P. Chevallier, P. Etchevers, E. Martin, J. E. Sicart and F. Habets (2007), Melting of snow cover in a tropical mountain environment in Bolivia: Processes and modeling, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8 (4), 922-937.
- Leonardini, G., J.E. Sicart, A. Rabatel, A. Soruco, P. Ginot, E. Ramirez. 2012. Analisis del balance anual y mensual del glaciar tropical Zongo (Bolivia). Revista Boliviana de Fisica, 21, 6-11.
- Lopez, P., Chevallier, P., Favier, V., Pouyaud, B., Ordenes, F. and Oerlemans, J. 2010. A regional view of fluctuations in glacier length in Southern South America. Global & Planetary Change 71, 85-108.
- Lopez, P., Sirguey, P., Arnaud, Y., Pouyaud, B. and Chevallier, P. 2008. Snow cover monitoring of Northern Patagonia Icefield using MODIS satellite images (2000-2006). Global & Planetary Change 61, 103-116.
- Maisincho, L., Favier, V., Wagnon, P., Basantes, R., Francou, B., Villacis, M., Rabatel, A., Mourre, L., Jomelli, V., & Cáceres, B., 2014. On the interest of positive degree day models for mass balance modeling in the inner tropics. The Cryosphere. En cours de révision.
- Manciati C., Cadier E., Galárraga Sánchez R., Taupin J.D., 2011. Retroceso de glaciares tropicales de América del Sur y evolución de la temperatura en los Andes del Ecuador. Caso nevado Antisana. Revista Peruana Geo-atmosferica, 3, 40-53, in press.
- Carla Manciati, Marcos Villacís, Jean-Denis Taupin, Eric Cadier, Remigio Galárraga-Sánchez and Bolívar Cáceres. Empirical mass balance modelling of South American tropical glaciers: case study of Antisana volcano, Ecuador. Hydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 59 (8) 2014
- Morera, S. B., Condom, T., Vauchel, P., Guyot, J.-L., Calvez, C., Crave, A.: Pertinent spatio-temporal scale of observation to understand sediment yield control factors in the Andean Region: the case of the Santa River (Peru), Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 10, 625–674, 2013, – in press HESS
- Naveau, P., Jomelli, V., Cooley, D., Grancher, D. & Rabatel, A., 2007. Modelling uncertainties in lichenometry studies. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 39 (2), 277-285.
- Naveau, P., Nogaja, M., Ammann, C., Yiou, P., Cooley D and V. Jomelli. (2005). Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Geophysical Extreme Events. CRAS, Géosciences , 336, 1013-1022.
- Nicholson, L., Marín, J., Lopez, D., Rabatel, A., Bown, F. & Rivera A., 2009. Glacier inventory of the upper Huasco valley: glacier characteristics, recent change and comparison to the upper Aconcagua valley, Chile. Annals of Glaciology, 53, 111-118.
- Ortuño T., Ledru M.-P., Cheddadi R., Kuentz A., Favier, C., Beck S. (2011) Modern pollen rain, vegetation and climate in Bolivian ecoregions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 165: 61-74.
- Pellicciotti, F., J. Helbing, A. Rivera, V. Favier, J. Corripio, J. Araos, J. E. Sicart and M. Carenzo (2008), A study of the energy balance and melt regime on Juncal Norte Glacier, semi-arid Andes of central Chile, using melt models of different complexity, Hydrological Processes, 22 (19): 3980-3997.
- Pomeroy, J., A. Rowlands, J. Hardy, T. Link, D. Marks, R. Essery, J. E. Sicart and C. Ellis (2008), Spatial Variability of Shortwave Irradiance for Snowmelt in Forests, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9 (6), 1482-1490.
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