Geocryology and Sedimendology of Slope Deposits in a Periglacial Tropical Environment
Bernard Francou conducted investigations in geomorphology during the 1983-2001 in the Alps and in the tropical Andes. The aims of these studies were: 1) to document dynamics of slope deposits in a tropical environment marked by the occurrence of many frost-thaw cycles around year 2) to offer analog references to interpret slope deposits formed during the Pleistocene period in the mid latitude regions.
- Francou, B. 1983. Régimes thermiques de sols de l'étage périglaciaire et leurs conséquences géomorphologiques. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, XXXVII, 1 : 27-38.
- Francou, B. 1990. Stratification mechanisms in slope deposits in high subequatorial mountains. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 1: 249-263
- Francou, B. & Bertran, P. 1997. A multivariate analysis of clast displacement rate in stone-banked sheets, Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 8: 371-382
- Francou, B., Le Méhauté, N. & Jomelli, V., 2001. Factors controlling spacing distances of sorted stripes in a low-latitude alpine environment (Cordillera Real, 16S, Bolivia). Permafrost and Periglacial Processus, 12: 367-377 Link : 5.12.